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Classroom and Lab Expectations

1. Respect and Professionalism:

Treat fellow students, instructors, and staff with respect at all times.

Maintain a professional attitude and behavior while in the classroom and lab.

2. Attendance and Punctuality:

Attend all classes and lab sessions as scheduled.

Arrive on time and be prepared for each class.

3. Safety First:

Follow all safety guidelines, procedures, and protocols outlined by the instructor.

Use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses, gloves, and appropriate attire when working in the lab.

4. Lab Cleanliness and Organization:

Keep the lab area clean and organized at all times.

Return tools, equipment, and materials to their designated places after use.

5. Active Participation:

Engage actively in class discussions, activities, and hands-on projects.

Collaborate with peers and contribute constructively to group tasks.

6. Academic Integrity:

Complete all assignments and assessments honestly and independently.

Give proper credit when using external sources and avoid plagiarism.

7. Communication:

Communicate openly with the instructor regarding any questions, concerns, or special needs.

Check emails and announcements regularly for important updates.

8. Equipment and Tool Usage:

Handle all tools, equipment, and vehicles with care and respect.

Follow proper procedures for tool usage and maintenance.

9. Cell Phones and Devices:

Per policy in the school handbook, cell phones will be turned off and put into a cubby at the back of the classroom. At the end of the end of the class, students will get their phones back.

10. Dress Code: - Wear appropriate attire for the lab, including closed-toe shoes and clothing that provides adequate protection.

11. Submission of Assignments: - Submit assignments on time through the designated platform or method.

12. Disruption-Free Environment: - Avoid behaviors that disrupt the learning environment, including excessive noise or distractions.

Consequences for Non-Compliance: Violation of these expectations may result in verbal warnings, written warnings, loss of lab privileges, or other appropriate consequences as determined by the instructor. Repeated or serious violations may lead to disciplinary action in accordance with school policies.

By following these expectations, we create a positive, safe, and conducive learning environment for all students. Your adherence to these guidelines is greatly appreciated.

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